$45.00 USD

IN Control? UNDER Control? Or OUT of Control?

3-Part Telecall Series With Marnie Richman

September 3rd, 10 am EST | Your Local Time
September 4th, 10 am EST | Your Local Time
September 5th, 10 am EST | Your Local Time

Are you IN control? Do you try to be? When external events aren’t going your way, when people aren’t doing what you want them too, how do you react? Do you fall apart? Get angry? Frustrated? Do you work extra hard to regain control of the situations and people in your world so you can feel okay again?

Are you UNDER control? What do you do when others try to control you? Do you let them? Do you shrink? Make yourself small? Metaphorically go to the corner and hide? Or maybe you fight back. Resisting their control. Demonstrating that you will not yield to them… in fact… they will yield to you… you will regain the upper hand thus placing them under YOUR control.

Feeling exhausted yet? I am! How much energy it takes to function from control! Would you like another possibility? What would it be like to live FREE? To function outside of the boundaries of control? To no longer be at the effect of the control that others impel on you or the control that you impel on yourself? You can! In the words of Marcus Aurelius “It’s time you realized that you have something in you more powerful and miraculous than the things that affect you and make you dance like a puppet.”

My friends, KNOWING how powerful and miraculous you are would set you free to live your life as you would like to, outside of the bounds of control.

You are warmly invited to join me in a 3 part exploration of: IN Control? Under Control? Or OUT OF CONTROL?

What you'll get:

  • 3 x Zoom Calls
  • Recordings

Emails: By signing up for this class you agree to receive emails from Marnie Richman.  You can unsubscribe at any time, however, please be aware that details to join the class online are sent via email.

Audio Visual Release: By signing up for this class, you agree to Marnie Richman's Audio Visual Release. For full details go here.